Join us at INIFD Panvel, and let us help you realize your ambitions as a designer.

Director's Note

INIFD Panvel - The Cradle of Designers

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As the Director of INIFD Panvel, I am proud to lead an institution that has established a strong foothold in the fashion and interior design industry. Our goal is to create a world-class quality institution that trains young minds for the designing profession, and knowledge and training are the keys to success.

Since our establishment in 2015, we have been dedicated to providing our students with the guidance and direction they need to build a successful career in fashion and interior design. Our mission is to provide opportunities to all aspiring young designers, regardless of their academic background, and convert them into first-rate professionals.

At INIFD Panvel, we recognize that the platform we provide can help our students reach an international audience, and we strive to impart knowledge that will enable them to achieve their ambitions. Our efforts are guided toward supporting our students’ success and glory, and we are committed to providing them with the best training and resources available.

We take pride in the fact that our institution has trained a vast base of successful student designers, and we continue to grow and evolve each day. As the Director of INIFD Panvel, I am confident in our ability to shape the future of fashion and interior design through our innovative and holistic approach to education.

Join us at INIFD Panvel, and let us help you realize your ambitions as a designer.


If you have a question about admission and related process, our enquiries team will be happy to help.
